Go Figure: How Much Binding Do I Need?
A pile of binding strips for various projects.
Binding: How much binding do I need?
For Karen's Hospitality I would make a bias binding due to the rounded ends.
For most of my pieces, including our Laser cut kits, I use straight binding rather than bias binding. It uses less fabric and from my experience, it works great. I will use bias binding when my quilt edge has any curve to it, like in Karen’s Hospitality. The bias stretch allows it to lay flat as it slopes around the curved edges.
Binding strip cut 2.5" wide x WOF or LOF.
I cut my bindings 2 1/2” x WOF(width of fabric), or 2 1/2” x LOF(length of fabric)
The question is:
How many 2 1/2” binding strips do I need?
I’ll use our Radiance, Medallion V as an example. Its finished dimensions are 26” x 26”
1. To figure out how much binding you need, add up all 4 sides of your piece.
- 26” + 26” + 26” + 26”, or 4 x 26” = 104”
2. This is the linear inches needed. To this, add 10” for the corners.
- 104” + 10” = 114”
3. Divide the linear inches by the WOF. In this case, WOF was 42”.
- 114” divided by 42” = 2.71”. 2.71” is the number of strips I will need. Round up. 3 strips are needed.
4. I will have 2 seams to sew these strips together to have 114 linear inches. For every seam add 2 1/2” to your linear inches. This will give enough length to miter when joining binding strips together.
For good measure, I will re calculate my needs adding the extra length for mitering my corners to the linear length, and then divide again.
- 2 seams x 2 1/2” = 5”. 5” + 114” linear inches= 119”. 119” divided by 42”WOF=2.83 strips. Round up to 3.
I need 3 strips 2 1/2” x 42” WOF.
Now that I know how many strips I need, the Question is:
How much yardage do I need for the binding?
1. Multiply the number of strips by the width of your strips.
- 3 strips x 2 1/2”= 7 1/2” LOF.
2. Divide 7 1/2” x 36”(1 yard) = .21 of a yard. Round up to 1/4 of a yard (9” x WOF).*
You are ready to turn your strips into binding. See our Tutorial, Binding, Part I: Making Continuous Binding.
* If you struggle with yardage equivalents to the decimals, like I do, check out the chart below. If this doesn’t give you the information you need, then do like I do…Google it. You can find any chart you need.
Decimal to Fraction Conversions
A chart that converts decimals to fractions is handy
.0625 = 1/16"
.125 = 1/8"
.1875 = 3/16"
.25 = 1/4"
.3125 = 5/16"
.333 = 1/3 yard"
.375 = 3/8"
.4375 = 7/16"
.5 = 1/2"
.5625 = 9/16"
.625 = 5/8"
.666 = 2/3"
.6875 = 11/16"
.75 = 3/4"
.8125 = 13/16"
.875 = 7/8"
.9375 = 15/16"